Lead Instructor - Dean

With 14 years' military experience - 10 of those as a Physical Training Instructor - I know that training methods may have changed over time but the core values haven't. Having worked with over a 1000 individuals, the difference in peoples' goals is what keeps me still coming back week in week out delivering the best possible training I can.

“For me, fitness should be simple and enjoyable! 

I use proven methods that get results and keep you motivated. Whether I’m working with an individual that just wants to feel fitter and stronger, or a team that want to be
better at something specific, I will always make sure it’s clear and not just PT jargon!

Team Fitness is built on the following principles:

1. Enjoyable and rewarding training
2. Dedicated team helping you reach your end goals
3. Tailored training specific to your needs

The group training element is an absolutely key part of each and every one of our sessions. By yourself you will work hard, but as part of a team you will work even harder than you ever imagined. Everyone will undoubtedly have their own reasons as to why they’re doing it but ultimately the important bit is that we are doing it together! Look forward to seeing you out there, Dean."